TM1: Application Maintenance utility and CAM security. The INVALID_IDENTITY challenge.

In the newest TM1 versions it’s possible to refresh the TM1 Applications user permissions and do some other maintenance work via command line. The bad thing is that is still has some issues when working with CAM security (which happens to be the case almost in 100% of the production environments). One may encounter some INVALID_IDENTITY – related error messages like this: INVALID_IDENTITY

IBM’s official answer says that one must use SDK and develop some custom code to get a grip on a cookie value that is set by the IBM Cognos BI portal. Luckily fellow TM1 gurus found also an alternative way of fetching the cookie “cam_passport” value but unfortunately the value could keep changing multiple times a day. Now if you have automated the maintenance utility it may keep going for a while but when the cookie value expires the utility stops working. And that’s bad.

So we need a way to automatically fetch the “cam_passport” cookie value when executing the application maintenance utility (app_maintenance.bat). Once again PowerShell comes to rescue! Here’s what you should do inside a PowerShell script:

$url = "https:///ibmcognos/cgi-bin/cognosisapi.dll?"
$cookiejar = New-Object System.Net.CookieContainer
$webrequest = [System.Net.HTTPWebRequest]::Create($url);
$webrequest.CookieContainer = $cookiejar
$credut = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential;
$credut.UserName = "username";
$credut.Password = "password";
$credut.Domain = ""
$webrequest.Credentials = $credut
$response = $webrequest.GetResponse()
$cookies = $cookiejar.GetCookies($url)

$cookies["cam_passport"].Value | Out-File "d:\temp\cam_passport.txt"

Basically what it does is make a http request to the IBM Cognos portal using the credentials provided (these must be the credentials of a TM1 admin user that has priviledges to run the app_maintenance.bat). On the last line it writes the “cam_passport” cookie value into a temporary file.

Save the script into a file for eg. “Update_CAM_passport.ps1” and run it via cmd command line by:

powershell.exe -Noninteractive -Noprofile -Command 

Now, to make sure that the cam_passport is valid through all times you can schedule the command above to Windows Scheduler and put it running say every 30 minutes.

The final step is to call the app_maintenance.bat by giving it the recently fetched cam_passport value as parameter and we can achieve it as follows (a batch file contents):

@Echo on 
timeout 2
set /p p_cam_password=<d:\temp\cam_passport.txt
"D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\webapps/pmpsvc/WEB-INF/tools/app_maintenance.bat" 
-op refreshrights  -serviceurl 
-credentials CAM:%p_cam_password% -app <application_id>

Where the application_id is the unique id of your application.

Se on siinä! As we would say in finnish. That’s about it. Now you can sleep safely knowing that your automated application maintenance utility keeps running even if the cam_passport value changes.

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